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Title: Icon:Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering
Artist: Kornilova Natalie
Size: 25.5x32x5
Size (inches): 10x12.5x2
Price : $1750 SOLD!

Description: This icon with an image of Our Mother of God of was painted by an established Palekh artist, Natalie Kornilova.
About the Icon of the Mother of God"Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering".
In 1997, two residents of Arzamas brought an icon to the St.Nicholas Monastery, or rather, a dark board, which one of them found in her shed. Then it was difficult to say whether it was an icon at all, since it was not possible to understand what was depicted on it. Obviously, that's why the sisters of the monastery took it to the storage room, where icons unsuitable for service are stored. One day, the abbess of the monastery, Mother George, sorting out the storeroom, ordered that this icon be placed in a frame, hung in the temple and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her. The inhabitants of the monastery began to turn to the Queen of Heaven before this image, asking for help in their various needs. Soon a bright spot appeared on the completely blackened board, as if a sunbeam illuminated a small oval part of the icon - the neck of the Mother of God and the Baby's hand. In the middle of the summer of 2000, the icon began to be intensively updated, as if someone invisible was removing the blackness in thin layers: the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior appeared. That's just the name of the icon to make out, it was not possible.
Once a Riga nun came to St. Nicholas Monastery. When she saw the icon, she happily said that Angels were cleaning it, and suggested that it was the face of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering". Then none of the sisters betrayed this significance. And only in the summer of 2001 the inscription was cleared.
When the number of pilgrims coming to this icon began to increase, the monastery decided to move it to a more accessible place. The sisters who carried the icon noticed that the colorful layer of the icon was practically crumbling- the image of the Most Holy Theotokos exudes the tree itself.
Every week, except for Lent, an akathist is read in front of the icon of the Theotokos "Deliverance from the troubles of the Suffering" in the monastery. Many miracles have been recorded through prayers in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering." The monastery has a notebook where parishioners write down their stories of miraculous deliverance from ailments and troubles. In addition, every year about 3,000 letters come to the monastery with requests to pray in front of this icon.
The artist has painted the image of over the layer of real gold.
The Icon is painted in Palekh style on a wooden base and lacquered.